Automatic Flight System:Full FCU control and PFD indicates either managed or selected modes, CAT3 auto land, ILS and NPA approaches available. FADEC: CFM56 engines simulated, manual and auto throttle modes, FLX Temp selection, engine limit protection, automatic engine start, power management, FMA mode indications, engine condition parameters, thrust reversers control, fuel X-feed/Cross feed control. FMGS: Basic lateral and vertical navigation with Airbus-Thales style MCDU, single flight plan operation, SID/STAR and transition reading, icao-format flightplan for co-route ("Routefinder"-compatible), time and fuel prediction, altitude constrains, HOLD function. Flight controls: Fly-by-wire system with ground mode, normal mode, flare mode, FBW Protections. Perfect external 3D model with sharklet design and classic wingtips design, CFM56 engines, highly- detailed landing gear, advanced 3D-cockpit, 3D-cabin, 3D cockpit and external lights, ground vehicles with side menu managing - tow truck, catering truck, boarding ramp, GPU, camera shake effect, Dynamic Rain effect.
This JD320 by the JARDesign team is an advanced simulation of the aircraft based on the real system. The JD 320 also incorporate the new sharklets (wingtips). 'neo' stands for New Engine Option with larger and more efficient engines. Unfortunately, we do not deal with pilot training and improve their skills.The 'Neo' family is the latest generation of JD320. Technical support helps to resolve issues with software. We try to respond to user for 24 hours, although in reality this is usually much faster. Technical support is provided via ticket (or e-mail or Skype. The user uses the plane together with other plugins at your own risk. We make no guarantee of successful operation of the JD320 plugin with any other plug-ins and not test them for compatibility. Rest assured that these plugins may affect the the JD320 plugin. Each of them eat memory and some framerate. Sometimes people use a lot of X-Plane plugins, and install new plugins unnecessarily.
X-Life Deluxe traffic plugin compatible. Animated TOW, GPU, Catering, Stairway and Fuel Track. CFM56 Engines (3D model of PW1100G also included). This mid-range airliner is the most used in real life, and the most used in the X-Plane.